Help for
People Living with Cancer
in Powys
Have you been diagnosed with cancer?
Are you supporting someone who has been diagnosed with cancer?
A cancer diagnosis can impact your life in so many ways.
It can affect you practically, physically, emotionally, spiritually, & socially.​
A 'cancer journey’ can have many twists and turns - what matters most to a person living with cancer can change over time.
We are here to help.​
Free support is available to all residents of Powys who are aged over 18 and living with cancer.
We offer support to anyone who is:
newly diagnosed with cancer,
undergoing cancer treatment,
recovering from cancer treatment,
living with a treatable but not curable cancer,
coming to terms with life after cancer,
living with a palliative cancer diagnosis,
an unpaid carer, a close friend, or a family member who is supporting someone else who is living with cancer.
To find out more contact your
PAVO Macmillan Community Connector
Tel: 01597 828649
Together we'll develop a support plan tailored to what matters most to you.
We’ll connect you with services closer to home to help you live well.
We can help you access support with all kinds of concerns, including:​​​
* Prescriptions
* Health and wellbeing
* Practical assistance
* Returning to work
* Talking about your diagnosis
* Pet care
* Transport
* Money worries
* Making a will
* Counselling
This service is provided by the Improving the Cancer Journey (ICJ) in Powys Programme.
The ICJ Programme is a strategic partnership between Powys County Council, Powys Teaching Health Board and Macmillan Cancer Support.
We work closely with our community partners to connect people with existing services.
Our work would not be possible without the invaluable support of our key delivery partners:
The Bracken Trust Cancer Support Centre
PAVO (Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations)
For nationwide support, the Macmillan Support Line offers free, confidential support to people living with cancer and their loved ones.
This can be accessed for free, 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week, by phone, email, or online chat.
Tel: 0808 808 00 00